South Norfolk Youth Advisory Board


What is a Young Commissioner?




Young Commissioners are young people aged 13 – 19 years. They are the group of people who lead the Youth Advisory Board (YAB). There are seven YABs in Norfolk, all linked to District Council areas. YABs are in place to look at services, facilities and important issues for young people in their areas, and work with others to ensure that needs are met in the best possible way.




Young Commissioners meet on a regular basis to discuss priorities, plan action and ensure delivery. This group of young people is supported by adults such as youth workers, councillors, teachers, police officers, health workers and other specialists. Young Commissioners make important decisions around how money gets spent, and then they get to check that it has been spent properly.




Young Commissioners represent young people in the area and so everyone is welcome to speak to them. Young Commissioners are trained to recognise good quality services, and to make recommendations where things could be better.

For more information please contact Julia on 07546 059 061





See our flyer for even more information!
Click to download
YComs Sept 2019 flyer.docx
Microsoft Word Document 218.1 KB

Below is a Youtube video showing some amazing work that was funded by the South Norfolk YAB, we hope you enjoy seeing what superb results the young people achieved.

Below is our Facebook Page.  Right click on the 'South Norfolk YAB' title in blue and select "Open Link in New Window"

Click on the box below and you can follow us on Twitter